Friday, February 22, 2013


Today is not a day of cohesive thought; it's a day of bombardment of all that ugliness that's been silent for so long, is right now being kicked up and thrown around. I refuse to play at this point; I don't want to think of humans, look at humans, be around humans: the destruction and intolerance, the irrelevant opinions swathed in vehemence, the hypocrisy and illogical projection of hypocrisy, the non-answers and the violence in response to violence.

If everyone wants personal liberty, then why are they subjecting others' decisions to public deliberation, and chastising those who seek prevention over retaliation. They don't want to be scrutinized for their actions, but throw unwarranted scrutiny at others' actions. Whether it be by privacy or non-judgmentality, the ultimate goal of freedom is not being subject to the expectations of others, and not forcing one's own expectations on everyone else - save for integrity. I expect integrity, because I know how easy it is to practice.

I am sad... just sad, and disappointed

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