Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving at work

Jer: pooh
too many to go

McGlame!!!: is there anything there that shows the power supply status?

McGlame!!!: ready for a holiday in the bin?

Jer: bleh
boy gets in in 6 hours

McGlame!!!: ahhh

Jer: er... bcast

McGlame!!!: yeah?

Jer: well, bcast and music aren't working....
rebooted IDU and amino...

McGlame!!!: sounds satelliteish

Jer: do i send to NCC?

McGlame!!!: yeah... well, either call ncc or see if anyone is in the ncc chatroom

Jer: k-doke

McGlame!!!: depending on who's at ncc they might argue and grouse...

Jer: ew... i don't know where the chatroom is

McGlame!!!: same as our rooms... click on Join Conference Room...

Jer: yeah... it's been a while

McGlame!!!: looks like there are 2 people there now...
not sure who they are...
I'm on a boat

Jer: it's like yesterday, they're just logged into spark
that was our platoon motto for a while

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: for some reason the senior plt could get away with "get to the chappa" and we couldn't get away with "i'm on a boat"

McGlame!!!: ah well...
maybe if you were in the navy they'd appreciate "I'm on a boat" more...

Jer: hhahah
i think it's just cuz they never heard the song... they're too old

McGlame!!!: prolly

Jer: ncc has deemed to send FTS first

McGlame!!!: lol
that often happens...

Jer: figures

McGlame!!!: they want irrefutable proof that its the satellite...

Jer: figures... hughes is $300 a hit
now i know...
usually the thing comes back up
and i don't have to worry about it

McGlame!!!: yeah, but they don't figure in the ft's tendency to pitch a fit...

Jer: indeed... well, i put them in the ticket, sooooo

McGlame!!!: that's cool

Jer: 645####
covered my ass

McGlame!!!: yep
so the ft will hopefully frown but not reach for the flag button...

Jer: he can't, i was told!

McGlame!!!: well, if its someone irrational like mad...

Jer: then berney takes it off anyway

McGlame!!!: yeah

Jer: and counter flags
is there such a thing as too much food?

McGlame!!!: depends on your perspective...

Jer: i think i have too much

McGlame!!!: if you look at it from the standpoint of one who is just having a good time, no...
if you look at it from the standpoint of one who is concerned about their health, yes...
shakira vs. drew barrymore

Jer: drew
no contest

McGlame!!!: ok, drew's ahead 3-0

Jer: gee
hmmm.... if there's 5 or so of us rx peeps.... where are all the fe peeps?

McGlame!!!: fe peeps are probably coming in at their normal time
yeah... I just looked at the schedule, and almost everyone in fe took the holiday, but those that are coming in are coming in at their regular time

Jer: awesome
6452### just weird
isn't there a telnet command to get the size of available space on a drive?
oh dangit!
i'm dumb ... nm

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: everyone at this store reminds me of that one episode of x-files
the inbreds

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: they don't have too much of an accent.... but they're all pretty dumb
wow... she's turning on and off stuff

McGlame!!!: uh oh

Jer: she's figured out how to turn on her adding machine

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: god, this is hopeless
she hardbooted the servers

McGlame!!!: no good can come of that
"epsilon minus semi-morons" as they would say in Brave New World?

Jer: indeed
god, i hope their FTS is from a different county

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: "do you have any scissors? cut that off"

McGlame!!!: ooooh

Jer: this does not appear to be good

McGlame!!!: that doesn't sound good at all

Jer: "this cord's not long enough, so we're cutting it off so it will go into the wall"

McGlame!!!: sounds like the tech will arrive to find the office completely destroyed

Jer: i'm trying so hard not to laugh

McGlame!!!: I'd be pissed

Jer: so... they supposedly plugged the MMV into the wall...
i think i'll send FTS before i send NCC

McGlame!!!: yeah...

Jer: no light on MMV

McGlame!!!: who is the ft?

Jer: sdc

McGlame!!!: never heard of him...
let me run the flagged prf and see how fond he is of flagging tickets...

Jer crosses fingers

Jer: they sounded so disappointed that they have to wait for a tech... but they were like, "well, we did this" and kinda looked to me to wiggle my nose or approve

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: and grant them their satellite back

McGlame!!!: ok, sdc has only flagged one ticket in the last month and it was a photo ticket...
so, you could probably send him out

Jer: well... there's not much he can flag me for... if the store didn't do what i told them to...

Jer: it's in the ticket

McGlame!!!: yeah...

Jer: ew.... Kentucky... no wonder

McGlame!!!: lol
remember though that the techs don't necessarily read the ticket before pressing the flag button

Jer: true
but berney takes them off if i did it right

McGlame!!!: yeah

Jer: putting on hold at this store means setting you on the counter

McGlame!!!: yeah... i see that a lot...
or hear that I guess I should say
did you ever hear about the theory that you can convince people of things by paying attention to and matching what sense they refer to more often in the way they speak... for example, if someone commonly says "I see what your saying" you can convince them of something easier by saying "this doesn't look right" than "this doesn't sound right"

Jer: hahah
that's going to be my new study
i've already mastered the disposition
i can make people feel uncomfortable just by standing there

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: and the tone of voice thing

McGlame!!!: practicing to be a bene gesserit?

Jer: hehe
not that kind of tone of voice

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: but you know how people sound fake

McGlame!!!: yeah

Jer: i try to get people to do what i want without sounding condescending or fake
each person's different
i wouldn't say i'm a master yet, but i'm proficient

McGlame!!!: cool

Jer: and nothing ever seems to work on people that are too passive or don't know what they want
cuz then you can't read them well
so i usually ignore their existence altogether

McGlame!!!: wow

Jer: i am a master at ignoring people so they don't even get the hint that i know that i'm ignoring them

Jer: they usually just think they're not being loud enough
wait, is there supposed to be a duty line for FTS today, or ....
it's the guy's first holiday w/ RA

McGlame!!!: nah, just page like normal...

Jer: k-doke
he's just gonna check with his sup... told him that was cool
he's like : you sure this can't be done over the phone
told him, i tried, but,,,
did we get a lunch schedule?

McGlame!!!: not yet... jon might be working on it...

Jer: FE did

McGlame!!!: or we might just be assignmentless bastards...

Jer: woot!
i can go see ben on my lunch break if i take it at 5 ;D
pooh, there it is

McGlame!!!: jon didn't adjust for us all being in earlier than normal

Jer: yeah... i just reminded him
i'm gonna go grab more food... take it home for ben

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: i don't think this pharmacist realized why i wanted him to put me on hold
wow.. almost half the day gone... and it's my normal start time

McGlame!!!: yeah...
well, for me its a third of my day...

Jer: yeah... you're so lucky
hey, if i'm waiting on Hughes to get a new MMV out to the store... do i keep the ticket open or in monitoring P-1?

McGlame!!!: open, I'd say...
McGlame!!!: ncc might eventually claim your ticket...

Jer: woot
i'll sit on it
i dont' know where i'm finding space for all this food

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: it's like all protein... though... mostly the turkey

McGlame!!!: yeah
looks like drew barrymore is headed to the championship match...

Jer: RXFA33

McGlame!!!: I'm not seeing an rxfa33

Jer: he keeps calling in with scripts that need deleted
ah, then he can't spell

McGlame!!!: ahh

Jer: he's been told numerous times... so i basically told him : well, we have enough to work with, if you come across it again you dont' have to call it in

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: permish to reboot 47## sc02
RSA says CPU held in rest

McGlame!!!: granted... let me know when you have a ticket logged and I will formally bless it...
might want to see what's on the screen though

Jer: stupid portal
i have to fill it out again
held in rest means shut down?
or something screwed up

McGlame!!!: it usually means its stuck on some early screen in the boot process

Jer: crap
shut off and power on

McGlame!!!: if it were completely shut down it would say "system powered off/state unknown"

Jer: powering off, then

McGlame!!!: your ticket has been blessed

Jer: woot
i've never had much luck with the power system on bit
yeah, it's not responding to it
but at least it's shut off
FEM says SC02's booted...?
pooh, i fat-fingered

McGlame!!!: who can say?
the rsa might just be confused

Jer: nah, i fat-fingered when i dialed the store

McGlame!!!: ahhh

Jer: hehe

McGlame!!!: you just happened to dial into another store where its stuck on cpu in reset?

Jer: disk boot failure

McGlame!!!: yeah

Jer: do you want me to try powercycle for 5 minutes?

McGlame!!!: yeah, you can give it a shot

Jer: ask the 8 ball

McGlame!!!: concentrate and ask again
my sources say no

Jer: k-doke
backups are good

McGlame!!!: cool

Jer: soo... i P-1 to FTS... RX closes in an hour
do we still want to do a failover?

McGlame!!!: yeah, i think so...

Jer: k... i'm gonna pass on my assignment in favor of doing my failover

McGlame!!!: ok

Jer: poop

McGlame!!!: poop?

Jer: ftcat

McGlame!!!: not familiar
only flagged one ticket in the last month... also a photo ticket...
come to think of it though, I think that's the one kim doesn't get along with...
nah, nm...

Jer: so i'll be just fine

McGlame!!!: yeah

Jer: haha

McGlame!!!: I was thinking that's the one kim didn't like, but that one is a chick...

Jer: ah, yeah... charles... not a good chick name
just a cruel parent name for a girl

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: now... is there any way to determine if this ibm has a third drive?
or cuz the backups are on RX01, it should be fine

McGlame!!!: no, I wouldn't say that...
I think the only way to tell with the server down is to have someone look
if it would boot up, you could see if they have an H: but then we wouldn't need to fail 'em over

Jer: how many have 3 drives?

McGlame!!!: not a huge number
steph's coming over this way... maybe she knows a trick

Jer: if it had a third drive... then wouldn't that mean backups are on the 3rd drive?

McGlame!!!: well, they would start there instead of on F:, but they'd still have to copy to either rx01 or sc03...

Jer: ¡¡2!!
what time you going to lunch?
it completed...
oh wait! failover is faster

McGlame!!!: ngph/util?

Jer: yup

McGlame!!!: cool!
once that's done, I start to become cautiously optimistic

Jer: yeah...
mssql likes to stop
unless they updated the script

McGlame!!!: yeah
although I think they actually may have updated it... it seems to me that I remember seeing the rprx/dib/secadmin/wfms scripts starting mssql

Jer: hehe... after running the first db... this one wants you to make sure that the server is really down
really really down

McGlame!!!: lol
they should make each one a bit more concerned... are you REALLY SURE the server is down? are you ABSOLUTELY sure? are you 100% TOTALLY sure?

Jer: hahah
it's funny how they give you instructions after it completes that aren't in the pdr...
soo... which am i more likely to do

McGlame!!!: instructions?

Jer: yeah... verify logs and all that crap before moving on

McGlame!!!: not sure i follow... you said instructions that AREN'T in the PDR?

Jer: yup
after each db is run... it wants you to check for errors

McGlame!!!: oh yeah...

er: but the pdr doesn't care until you get to the end

McGlame!!!: right... yeah...
I see what you're saying

Jer: he doesn't have the 10 drives
was yesterday the last day for the nine's or friday

McGlame!!!: I believe that's ok today... but let me doublecheck...

Jer: well, he wont' get there until tomorrow
they close in 20 minutes
well, rx does

McGlame!!!: yeah, his 9's are ok...
until saturday...
then its all 10's

Jer: k, i'll let him know
ignored text
the third line from the bottom

McGlame!!!: call the sr4

Jer: crap

McGlame!!!: hopefully, they'll say its ok

Jer: i hope so
something Edie hasn't seen before

McGlame!!!: we're doomed!

Jer: evidently the third drive thing is located in store info at the bottom under attributes
for future reference

McGlame!!!: oh yeah... I guess it is

Jer: 47##
how's it look?

McGlame!!!: kosher!

Jer: woot!

McGlame!!!: edie says it failed over fine, and I wrapped up the remaining couple steps

Jer: hehe
danke! danke!

McGlame!!!: yep
you gotta love a remix called the "boiling turmoil remix"

Jer: hehe
was watching cold case files.. the real show, not the drama... and finally found out what the whole bind, torture and kill thing was all about

Jer: it's an industrial song

McGlame!!!: ah yeah... I remember hearing about that...

Jer: oklahoma or arkansas
i forgot

McGlame!!!: not sure

Jer: they called him btk
ben landed... my ability to do work is now thwarted

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: can you look up a profile for me if you're bored
104## rx # need to see what status it's in

i'll play with their workstations since they're closed

McGlame!!!: yeah I don't have any easy way to determine what status its in

Jer: hehe

McGlame!!!: sleepy

Jer: hehe
protein buzz
want some coffee?
i went and got the specialty coffees, like jack daniels and irish cream... only to remember that there's no coffee maker any more
so.. i'll have to make them at home and bring in a thermos.... or buy a coffee maker for here and hide it

McGlame!!!: check out ticket #6455###... they're having trouble with "odering"

Jer: hahah
you takin' this one?
logging a new ticket for kyb?

McGlame!!!: nah, you can have it if you want...

Jer: we'll see if i come back to it
haha... they keep sending portal issues to purchasing
i'm just takin em',,, killing of ...lite_browser on all the workstations and recycling iis... takes up time

McGlame!!!: "electrohead" is pretty cool...

Jer: yup
it's combichrist, of course

McGlame!!!: yeah

Jer: "what you thinkin"
is pretty good, too
forgot who did that one
if 1st reg phone is 224, and 2nd reg phone is 242, would it stand to reason that 3rd reg phone is 422?

McGlame!!!: lol...

Jer: although... i'm guessing when they mean reg3... it's the second reg phone, since reg1 is in rx

McGlame!!!: but the 2nd reg phone is 242? that's odd...

Jer: indeed

McGlame!!!: usually the 240's are ports 5-8 on an 8 port vru

Jer: indeed
241 is conference window rx7

McGlame!!!: well, I guess it could be...

Jer: it skips from 229 to 241 and then 242, and 250

McGlame!!!: 243 is port 5 on an 8 port... 238 is the last pharmacy counter phone in a store with 7 pharmacy phones...
so partway between the two could be a "conference window" extension....

Jer: who can say

McGlame!!!: yep...

Jer: if i had work ethic, i'd call them

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer moves on to inocuous tickets

Jer: 6454### ahahhaa
like this is something we can fix

McGlame!!!: lol... yeah, I saw that earlier...
we have to find who it is and beat them until they stop... urgently!

Jer: we need an asshat code for problems that are really not our issue but that aren't wrong depts either

McGlame!!!: lol...

Jer: i heard that

McGlame!!!: nx asshat howto prc

Jer: it's about time i hear an actual lol
i think i'm gona wrong dept this one for my ammusement
that's not wrong, is it?
i mean... are we really obligated?

McGlame!!!: well, I'm not sure what the 4th would be (you see there's new 4th field codes for wrong depts?)

Jer: ah yes

McGlame!!!: i think of it as more of a prc issue...

Jer: well, actually
asshat fits

McGlame!!!: well, yeah, it does

Jer: but it's not prc... it's inbound calls
some dumbass dr. office has the wrong number

McGlame!!!: so you advise the store about what to do... and call it prc...

Jer: err... call all their dr's and make sure they have the right fax number?
i still think asshat works better

McGlame!!!: true... but if they see the phone number on the phone when it calls, you could probably look up that number in raquery and figure out the doctor name... then you could advise the store to contact that doc
unfortunately, if it doesn't show up on their phone... they're SOL
maybe the doctor will eventually realize he has the wrong number when none of his faxes go through

Jer: i didn't think we had caller id
usually it just says what line it is
i thought

McGlame!!!: well, their phones are similar to the older model of phone we have here (not the callmasterIII but the other one) so it might give a phone #

Jer: you're killing the asshat thing

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: just kick the dead horse

McGlame!!!: well, asshat as a last resort

Jer: nah, first on this one

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: "sure, we'll go 'fix' that doctor faxing you on a voice line, right up!"

McGlame!!!: some of the stores on this report are not actually open

Jer: indeed
i gave up on the report
figured you guys could use them
gave up on supdis for tickets i can pick at

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: which no one here knows how to get to, so don't worry

McGlame!!!: eh, I don't think I said anything offensive during the convo

Jer: nope... you're kosher

McGlame!!!: everybody hates phone tickets

Jer: not i...
i'm a smoothie for the most part

McGlame!!!: ok... almost everybody
I hate having them sit in my queue and calling up the store after I KNOW they got the phone and they're like "oh, we didn't get a phone yet!"

Jer: i make it sound like there's impending spontaneous combustion about to happen if we dont' figure out if there's a wiring issue

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: wtf?

McGlame!!!: I saw that... not sure

Jer: hahaha

McGlame!!!: well, I know what flavor rx is...

Jer: oh really?

McGlame!!!: but not how to get the link to show up

Jer: what the hell does that do?
90 minutes

McGlame!!!: its a mostly useless piece of software... you know how some kids meds they can add a flavor to? well this program tells them what flavors taste best which what meds...

Jer: figured
portal app?

McGlame!!!: like you put in an ndc and it will tell you that grape works well but chocolate is not recommended...

Jer: wt...

McGlame!!!: no, actually I don't think it is... its a separate program...

Jer: i've never seen that under start

McGlame!!!: I don't think all stores have it...

Jer: betcha they did a reload

McGlame!!!: perhaps

Jer: nope

McGlame!!!: I think we may have flavor-rx in the lab...

Jer: haha!
can we flavor the skittles in the spro?

McGlame!!!: lol
prolly not

Jer: PHONE IN FE HANGS UP WHEN PUT ON HOLD AND WONT PAGE.... more likely prog issue or unit issue... cuz i'll just send request now, troubleshoot later

McGlame!!!: sounds phoneish... but you can't be sure...

Jer: can do....

Jer sending new phone

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: it wont' get solved until monday one way or another

McGlame!!!: I probably shouldn't, but I often work phone tickets that way... I get a hunch of what's wrong and send that... but I'm usually right...

Jer: yup
i'm more often right when i work from the gut than when i try to think

McGlame!!!: especially if they give me the ol' "we can't swap the phone" routine

Jer: hahah
crap... spencer did this one


Jer: chances point to Platinum T7316E
yup, mac says so

McGlame!!!: mac?

Jer: Nortel-T7316E Telephone Set-Platinum
their mac tickets for convo sotres

McGlame!!!: ahh

Jer: i win
i'm sneaky like that...
which is also why i got confused with the M208's

McGlame!!!: 231

Jer: chances of this spcent actually having vdisp problems... consult the 8 ball

McGlame!!!: I'm asking it "does this spro actually have a vdisp problem?"
if so, the answer is "as I see it yes"

Jer: indeed
Describe your situation: in reloading drugs to cells after drive issues resolved earlier this month, 6 cells will not scan..error msg "no bar code match found"..tried new cell bar code label...still will not scan cell...E17,E22,E24,F17,F22 & F24 NOT RECOGNIZED
8 ball and coding fail

McGlame!!!: the 8 ball was wrong!

Jer: either that or it doesn't know the difference between a cell and a vdisp

McGlame!!!: perhaps

Jer: these suck too much for even bwb
alright... 8 ball, one more supposed spcent vdisp...?
yay or nay

McGlame!!!: "you may rely on it"


McGlame!!!: 8 ball wrong again!

Jer: perhaps it's because the mojo from the rxp's really think it's vdisp... so the universe tells the 8 ball it is in fact a ticket coded as vdisp
ask it if it was wrong

McGlame!!!: "very doubtful"

Jer: at least it trusts itself

McGlame!!!: its standing by its previous answer

Jer: hmm... no good
drug file?
nope, drug file matches up

McGlame!!!: I saw that one... perhaps clinical pharm needs resent... but that's not normally how it manifests itself

Jer: indeed... is there CP for Nov or Oct... steph was looking for it in shared....
don't know what the definitive was on that

McGlame!!!: oct I think... but I'm not sure

Jer: k-doke
i'll try it in remote 02, see if the file's small enough

McGlame!!!: nope, looks like sept

Jer: to not incur the wrath of peer
dude, where's the pdr... clinical rx is all jacked

McGlame!!!: this is essentially it (ignore the complex error message that its supposed to be for)...

Jer: haha

McGlame!!!: in this book, there's a quote that is very relevant to working here... "Almost sure wasn't good enough. Almost sure in my experience is the shortest road to oh fuck"

Jer: hehe... new battle stories with my baby bro
i'm definitely gonna have to read that series
ew... this might not go through

McGlame!!!: too big?

Jer: and i have a sneaking suspicion this is considered slacking
it's still going

McGlame!!!: slack?

Jer: i'm feeling a "closed by peer" message coming on

McGlame!!!: yeah... I wouldn't worry about slack though... maybe if there was something else pressing to do...
you here tomorrow?

Jer: indeed!
close "closed by remote host"... remote 03 here i come

McGlame!!!: yep
1/2 hour till lunch... then another hour after lunch and the day is done!

Jer: T-30 minutes and i'm gone

McGlame!!!: slacka

Jer: crap... remote 03's not letting me log in

McGlame!!!: remote 04 maybe?

Jer: trying

McGlame!!!: the second time it asks what computer, did you change it to RA (This Computer)?

Jer: used to be 4 that wouldn't let me log in
Jer: oh... i think i know what it was...

McGlame!!!: you know how it asks twice what computer... the second time change it to RA

Jer: it had a path in username

McGlame!!!: ah

Jer: i win
oooo... i have a ravru to reload too
McGlame!!!: reload it well

Jer: T-13
shall we end the day in chocolaty goodness?

McGlame!!!: I sent an rx_turnover form... so that they can verify that the failover worked in the am

Jer: i noticed
og upi yu[r kidy pmr lru dry pbrt/// o epmfrt og yjsy od s hppf esu yp vpfr


Jer: if you type just one key over i wonder if that is a good way to code
i must missed a word
just the ...

McGlame!!!: ahh

Jer: oy s[[rdstd dp

McGlame!!!: it appears so?

Jer: hehe
i'm gonna use that at some point
woot for remote 03

McGlame!!!: cool
I should prolly try to do a load of laundry when i get home

Jer: mmmm... so, there is something better than the original reese's peanut butter cup

McGlame!!!: indeed

Jer: would never have thought
CMartin will be thrilled

McGlame!!!: about the reese's?

Jer: yup
oh, can't read,,, there's cb and cp update in downloads
was gonna say

McGlame!!!: cbt chillin' in there?

Jer: there seems to be little benefit to renaming executables that we ftp over
it was prolly mine.. are we supposed to delete those when finished?

McGlame!!!: actually if its named something_update.exe it should theoretically delete itself...

Jer: ah, is that how it works
well,,, it was recent, then

McGlame!!!: that's why they rename it... so that it self-deletes... but it doesn't always work

Jer: that would be the reason for the name change

McGlame!!!: yep

Jer: it was sent today
or ran today

McGlame!!!: any cbt tickets from today?

Jer: they're just having problems at this store, it seems
nope, actually, just pending and mono

McGlame!!!: hmmm... might be a new cbt they're getting...

Jer: lots of pending tickets... looks like omni's failing a lot
guess so
crap... T-2 and this thing's taking forever to install

McGlame!!!: it should get done in time

Jer: does not appear to be the case

McGlame!!!: bummer

Jer: looks like i'll have to run it again or just lock my 'puter