Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Starting Point

I have not indulged in writing in so long... I've tried to use it to cope, but it became the method of expelling... expelling to destroy. I am unsure if it's a result of gaining substance and solid ground under me or the jazz on the radio - making me long for those endless hours at a coffee shop : alternately reading and writing, enveloped and saturated with the smells of coffee, pastries, and yes, sunlight filtered through panes of glass, with its playful dynamic, dancing with the cool dark and its rich upholstery.

I'd often thought in times of great turmoil and great joys, that I'd like for someone to know of my life. It's no exceptional life, but it's my life; something I rarely speak about, even to those who know me best. I've been reading a number of memoirs: novels or short stories about amazing or moving events - the things that made deep impressions; how they were neither good nor bad situations in the end, but both; they were something that disrupted monotony - a little turbulence to recolor the atmosphere; a mess to force one to repaint their inner walls which helped to then reconcile the inner world with the outer universe.

I cannot say when my life began. I like to avoid definitions; so defining everything that could be meant by "life", I won't exclude. I can say that my living has included a series of several deaths: undoings, little oblivions, difficult transitions... you get the idea. My existence, personally, is quite vexing. In association to Judeo-Christian norms: one may say that I have an old soul. But, were that it were entirely of human experience, I'm convinced I would've been much more proficient in understanding "being human." My earliest ability to reconcile my physical existence was the conjecture that I was something - not an "angel", but something watching, watching these humans and getting rather perturbed at how they muck up such simple things to create vast, deadly, emotional dramas that never cease, and for what? Here comes, peeking over my shoulder, the ruling element of the universe (God, et al), and says, "so, you think you could do better?" Oh, it's on, God. I'm comfortably certain that I am quite the amusement for It - I imagine several smirks and head-shaking being done at my expense.

I am a living oxymoron, occupying both poles in almost every degree simultaneously. It becomes an art form to develop any semblance of consistency in opinions, sentiments, actions - luckily I realized early to drop several gender-based pretenses in order to comply with what I knew to be more relevant. I am 8 years old, and I am 80: too young for shame, and too old to care; too young to be bitter and conditioned, but old and wizened from past bitterness, too old to care about appropriateness; young enough to have superhero hopes and dreams, always seeing the world in new and beautiful lights, but old enough to see a world of life behind me and the futility of it all.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm a man, and so can you

JOHN STONE!!!!!: oh wow.
I don't believe this store.
Jer: oh.. today.. i'll beleive it
JOHN STONE!!!!!: I sent out for a handset because they TOLD me that they swapped with another and it worked fine. Now they are claiming that they put on the new handset and it's not working.
Jer: they LIE!!!
close out your ticket
then open another one saying it's a different problem
JOHN STONE!!!!!: Oh goody! I like that idea. lol
Jer: may as well make it work for your benefit
JOHN STONE!!!!!: I wish they would learn how to put us on hold.
Jer: dropping the phone to the floor isn't hold?

JOHN STONE!!!!!: This lady is trying to tell me there is no computer tower in the office. lol
Jer: nice
tell her 'ok you will remain down'
JOHN STONE!!!!!: ha ha.
Jer: or you can find me a teenager
do you have any children in the store? yes, take the child into the office and tell them to find the computer

Jer: bastards are complaining that nexgen is letting them fill a script
McGlame!!!: lol... not a common complaint
Jer: i know!! usually it's 'OMG!!! Nexgen won't let me commit fraud!!!!!'
JAW!!!: ?!
Jer: so....
Jer belches
JAW!!!: nice
you are such a man
Jer: hehe
someone has to be

Sunday, March 27, 2011

blood makes scsi work

Jer: alright, i'm bored... start tap-dancing
JAW!!!: Ok
JAW!!!: I hope this is entertaining, i'm getting funny looks
Jer: hehe

Jer: i used to, not that i ever used it
JOHN STONE!!!!!: ah.
Jer: no one knew why they gave it to me
JOHN STONE!!!!!: I was just curious. I'm supposed to be getting one again...not sure when. After they already took it away once. Makes no sense.
Jer: it makes SENTS!!!

JAW!!!: vince smells like flowers
Jer: oh dear

JOHN STONE!!!!!: wow. This lady cut her finger trying to reseat the drive.
Jer: ow...
Jer: do you think the blood will appease the sasi gods?
JOHN STONE!!!!!: I hope.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Problems... at 'Work'

Munz: that would solve a lot of problems
Jer: what did i do?
Munz: john: we gotta get the pharmacy out of nexgen
Jer: hhahahha
i wasn't even paying attention
but, yes....
we should make them hand scribe for a week...
then they'll stop bitching
for a month
Munz: here's your new computer
this is an abacus and a box of crayons?
yeah, try not to fuck it up

McGlame!!!: why are kim and c-mart discussing arsenic and heavy metals?
Jer: hehheheheh...
McGlame!!!: should I be concerned about my food and drink? lol
Jer: they have plans for the RA plumbing
over by the water cooler
McGlame!!!: lol
i was reading about why helium makes your voice higher, and they mentioned that gases heavier than air would make your voice lower--but cautioned readers not to try it because such gases are poisonous... lol
Jer: hahahhaaha
to say the least
McGlame!!!: so don't inhale krypton to find out!

Chuck: 4 calls over 3 minutes
Jer: oh, is that what that blinking light is?
Chuck: yeah yeah

Jer: or do you think they'll be like >:(
McGlame!!!: you were tardy as well?
Jer: yeah....
morale is lacking
looks like we females beat you guys out
McGlame!!!: how's that?
Jer: Jen, Kim, Steph and I took top 3 for last week
McGlame!!!: ahhh
Jer: Steph and I tied
McGlame!!!: back to the old pattern?
Jer: you boys better step up
McGlame!!!: who slackaz?
Jer: psht!!!
male types
McGlame!!!: lol
Jer: i heard that!

Friday, March 18, 2011

never doubt the power of KEFIR!!

Jer: i'm converting row 3 to kefir
Limey: :D
I got john barr on it today
I figured it would help him, he's managed to lose 35lb already
why am I so hyper
Jer: it's a restless day
there are more cars out on the road than ive seen in a long time... i had to cross at xwalks just to get across streets today
Limey: True, I've not been able to sit still... I keep standing just to stop myself fidgiting.
yup, it's warm more people willing to venture out
Jer: steph and bob are comparing kefir flavors and avaialbility

Jer: row 3 is converting to kefir... better jump on the bandwagon
McGlame!!!: if they only sell it at giant, I won't be joining...
i have beef with giant
Jer: they sell it at wegman's too
i haven't looked at weis,,, cuz weis puts velveeta in the fridge section....
McGlame!!!: eh... i never get to wegmans...
weis is my official grocer
Jer: i'm soo sorry

Jer: looks like there will be dells to reboot tonight
McGlame!!!: ah, those dells are just mindin' their own business
Jer: not working!!!!
McGlame!!!: lol

jaw: no, cuz it doesn't
Jer: shhhh...!!!!
Jer: they don't have to know it's not extra
Jer: there's a storming the castle princess bride board game...
jaw: storming the princess' "Castle"?
Jer: wow... have you really never seen princess bride

JOHN STONE!!!!!: Another thing that doesn't make sense, that new RS issue for the sigcaps, how in the world are we supposed to know if it is related to the time issue?
Jer: touch your nose
JOHN STONE!!!!!: ha ha.
Jer: that's our fix-all now...
just have the store personnel touch their nose
JOHN STONE!!!!!: omg. One minute this girl calls me 'she', and then later 'he'.
Jer: umm... take no offense... just hold your head high... you're a virgo
JOHN STONE!!!!!: ha ha ha.

Jer: you just wish you could be irish
Limey: haha nah
Limey: I love the Irish, and the Scotts, but I'm happy being English
Jer: well, you're not a very good englishman
Limey: correction, I'm not meant to like them wanting independence.. liking them is a different matter
Jer: liking them under your boot
Limey: ;p

McGlame!!!: have you noticed this phenomenon where one can agree with bob baker, and something akin to an argument still ensues?
like just now, jont and bob were saying the exact same thing; that wolves can control wild boar, yet it was like they were arguing about it
who in row 3 is haaaatin' life?
Jer: phenomenon
that's what we call a discussion
McGlame!!!: well, it seems to be a bit more heated than a regular discussion
Jer: it's the hate of stupid.... they're fighting the invisible ass-hats that make dumb decisions
McGlame!!!: lol

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sparse... but emphatic

McGlame!!!: so is japan going to take the dirtnap?
Jer: no more robots
McGlame!!!: lol
Jer: god hates robots.. so he's punishing the japs
McGlame!!!: wow
Jer: just watch, WBC is gonna go demonstrate at their funerals

ew: plum island animal disease center
Jer: is that where they take the PA mullets when they get too ... mulletty

Monday, March 14, 2011

I like NACHOS!

Jer: that store ever come back up last night?
jaw: which one?
Jer: um... granny and her inability to distinguish between green cords and non-existent cords
that she unplugged anyway
jaw: There's nothing I can do about colorblind people o.O
Do they teach you the OSI model at all in any training scenarios over there?
Jer: osi....
what does osi mean?
jaw: yeah the 7 layers of the OSI model
Jer: 7 layers....
of NACHOS!!!!
wait... how is green vs non-existent colorblindness...?
McGlame!!!: ooh, i got it!
Jer: wait... i thought you were jaw
McGlame!!!: ahhh!
Jer: my brain goes
McGlame!!!: there's why everything is so confusing!
Jer: where?!?!
McGlame!!!: yes
Jer: gah!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Needs real meat and less rain

jaw: qualifies as a photo bomb
Jer: yeah.... should be good on lol
i want cheeseburger... it feels like friday
what has jer learned this week : soy/vegi burgers pale in comparison to portabello burgers... which apparently are worth the extra 30¢ per patty
jaw: I like burgers made out of cows.
Jer: yes!
but you can't leave them sitting around unreffrigerated
for hours
and don't taste quite so good with goatcheese...

Jer is soaked
Limey: no good
Jer: i'm starting to feel the misery
shoot me now
atlas modified
McGlame!!!: nah... against the atlas... AND the code of ethics...
Jer: you've got something against euthenasia?
McGlame!!!: no, just doing it on the clock
Jer: you got something that can dry off my clothes?
McGlame!!!: not really...
Jer stole vikki's heater... is getting much drier now
Jer then spills water all over her desk
Jer: i hate my life
Limey: hehe
Jer: it's a good thing i saved my choco pastry
i'mma need it
McGlame!!!: "3nd trip Tech will return to trouble shoot the music on hold. "
Jer: yup... that's the caliber we're dealing with

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

shoulda eaten punx

McGlame!!!: did you see there was HATE on Sunday night/early Monday morning?!?

Jer: umm.. no... i heard they were down to like 0

McGlame!!!: no, weatherhate

Jer: yeah, i was in it

McGlame!!!: i thought we were past that...

Jer: trying to put gas in my rental car before i returned it
we shoulda eaten punx

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: this is our punishment

McGlame!!!: are you going to go out and grab him and eat him now?
can you imagine if somewhere had a groundhog day like that?
he predicts 6 more weeks and he gets eaten... to be replaced by another groundhog the next year...
he predicts early spring and is wrong, and he gets eaten...

Jer: this is how it should be

Limey: I agree...

CMart: Eventually, Groundhogs will evolve so that they always project a shadow, even if there is no source of light - reverse vampirism

Jer: what do you have to say for yourself now?

ew: im a self righteous womanizing prick?

Jer: you wish

ew: haha
womanizing prick, ill give myself
but not self righteous

Jer: you wish

ew: so im not?

Jer: i couldn't really call utilizing the benefits of chicks with low self esteem being 'womanizing'

Monday, March 7, 2011

Gorilla Glue Cense!

Jer: hmmmm.....
Limey: wow
Jer: yeah...
the gorilla glue is peeling off my fingers
Limey: Gorilla glue?
why is it on your hands to begin with lol
Jer: um....
Limey: lol what on earth where you up to

McGlame!!!: there should be alehouse for vinh
i hear vinh
Jer: no good can come of this
McGlame!!!: lol
Jer: shouldn't we just go to alehouse and not invite vinh?
we;ll celebrate his departure
McGlame!!!: well, vinh is the reason for the celebration
Jer: indeed
his absense
can be celebrated with his absense
McGlame!!!: lol
McGlame!!!: weimer told this system recovery store to log back in before i installed the software...
Jer: oh god
McGlame!!!: fortunately, nothing seems messed up...
Jer: how would it even be possible
if it's not installed
McGlame!!!: i guess the store was so totally unable to do anything, that they couldn't hurt anything...
Jer: yeah... like open a program that's not installed...
McGlame!!!: when bob told me that, as you might imagine, i was full of agita
Jer: it's by the great DISMAL swamp
how awesome is that....
Limey: try again
Jer: FTS is having RXP put cotton behind the cells because gripper is not engaging the cells correctly
Limey: lol
Jer: um... maybe he should friggin remap the gripper
Limey: yup
It's not like the known issue with cells that takes tape to fix
Jer: gah!!!
RXP came in one day and the whole bottom of the cabinet was full of pills from it dropping them
but, apparently stuffing cotton in places solves all problems
Limey: Makes no sense
Jer: it makes Cense!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

this month's mantra

courtesy of the wonderful Krystal Lord Squishums:

"detach from the outcome
gain the moment
the moment is infinite
let go and live forever"

this is the perfect shot : forget it all and do without doing, because the end is just a justification for the means, but the act of doing is the real purpose, the life and the meaning of any end : an end can't go on, but the making is dynamical: the making alone can change, can better, can move and fly freely because it has no constraints - a specific outcome is nothing but a constraint, a limit on what the making can become, of what can be done - a vial timidity in the vastness of possibility - a sin against the self - a denial of the oneness of the universe...

so, let it all go : expectations, outcomes, ends
do without doing, and look around each moment in the doing: see and learn and admire the beauty of it, and the completion of tasks will come to you, when there are other things to be done, and more beauty to be enjoyed.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


McGlame!!!: who in row 3 is haaatin' life?

Jer kills herself

McGlame!!!: nah, we need you to live!

Jer: i'm not alive as it is... this is just some kind of hateful, torturous half-life

McGlame!!!: so what is the GROUNDHOG going to say tomorrow morning?

Jer looks at
Jer squints, and plans on eating groundhog for dinner tomorrow night

McGlame!!!: lol
really, any groundhogs within 200 miles of here have no right to see their shadow tomorrow... its going to be miserable and overcast

Jer: we will satisfy ourselves by eating them all

McGlame!!!: if punxsutawney phil sees his shadow, its only because of the tv lights

Jer: i tried really hard to not yell at someone on the phone

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: it barely worked
i really just want to walk out of here

McGlame!!!: nah... stay

Jer: it's just cold

McGlame!!!: breathe in

Jer: and .... wait... i have cheese at home

McGlame!!!: and breathe out

Jer: breathing will do nothing

McGlame!!!: in with the good
out with the bad

Jer: yeah, and what building are we in?
every breath is poison

McGlame!!!: well, temporarily suspend your disbelief...
and believe that there is something other than hate in the air

Jer looks around for someone to walk on her back

McGlame!!!: hmmm... I'm too heavy
weimer maybe
or seanny g

Jer: vinh's the closest thing to a tiny asian massage chick

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: but not nearly as cute
or trustworthy

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: he'd prolly screw it up
and say 'um, yeah, like...' the whole time

McGlame!!!: lol

Monday, January 31, 2011

Existential Butterflies

"The man remembered having a cat once, if memories could be trusted as anything more than neuron configurations across trillions of synapses. Memories could not be touched with one's fingers. Could not be felt like the surf flowering over his gnarled toes could be felt. But then what were physical feelings but more electrical messages from the brain? Why believe in them either? Was there anything trustworthy in the Universe that one could hug and hold onto like a Hawaliusian wind staunch in the midst of a butterfly storm, apart form a Hawaliusian wind staunch?

"Bloody butterflies, thought the man. Once they'd figured to the wing fluttering a continent away thing, millions of mischievous lepidoptera had banded together and turned malicious.

"Surely that cannot be real, he thought. Butterfly storms?

... "If a thing was bound never to happen, then that thing would resolutely refuse not to happen as soon as possible.

"Butterfly storms. It was only a matter of time.

... "Was there anything to trust? anything to take comfort from?
Ah, yes, thought the old man. Tea. At the center of an uncertain and possibly illusory universe there would always be tea."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

i'm borrowing words, borrowing thoughts, images... anything... everything
i can't make anything any more; i'm just destroying... demolishing.
those small moments when i think i'll arrange or clean up, they are feeble lies. for, though, yes, it's sanitary, tidy, neatly arranged, stacked on shelves - it's all broken, torn apart, missing, and out of place.
i have familiarity and i have things, but i don't belong anywhere. everything has been temporary : no job for more than 3 years, no man for more than he thinks he deserves me, no life, no calling - nothing more than an empty ruse of wasted potential... potential for what? to be this great thing that no one can really say
a jack of all trades, master of none save loneliness - except i've learned once again, that i can be even lonelier than i thought i was when i was lonely.
if you look at me... you are seeing a shell... whatever was inside died long ago, it kept fighting to live, but now jostles, dried up and tumbling down the abyss...
once my books are gone from here, my very soul will no longer be - no bright hopes, no plans, just one goal : June... i have to make it to June, and i have to do it on my own

loneliness becomes selfishness which in turn makes the loneliness deeper and self-imposed...

among the padded walls

"'You need to be locked in a room with padded walls.'"

"To this day, that's what my mother playfully tells me when something I say or do strikes her as silly. The padded walls are a clear reference to a mental institution, which I find uproariously ironic, because although I've never seen the inside of an inpatient health facility, I've worked in more than my fair share of corporate American cubicles, most of which are comprised of three and a half walls upholstered in drab gray fabric padding"

... how congruent ...

Friday, January 28, 2011

choco bribes

Jer: there's no point in taking calls if you're not gonna do anything

McGlame!!!: >:o <--floor leads

Jer: i have two bits of good news

McGlame!!!: i agree, actually

Jer: 1 is that all candy (choco) at RA is 2/$1

McGlame!!!: but the authoritah wouldn't...

Jer: 2 is that the geese are migrating northward

McGlame!!!: excellent!

Jer: oh, there is a 3rd... i stocked up on choco
for bribery

McGlame!!!: lol
back in the day, there used to be a thriving barter system in 2nd shift... but it was goods-for-goods based... tea for chocolate for example...

Jer: choco for tickets

McGlame!!!: you seem to be developing a system of goods for services...

Jer: it's how i get minions when beat-down is not pertinent

McGlame!!!: lol

Jer: if you can't make friends, bribe 'em

Beating Nomnoms

Jer: FEM : "so what do i need to do with this busted handset and cord?"
me : "whatever you'd like"
FEM : "so... can i beat some of my people with it?"
me: "so long as it's squared through your DM"

Limey: hahaha

Jer: (9:04 PM) Jer: vikki's been spoiling me with food
(9:04 PM) Dustin: WTF
(9:04 PM) Dustin: where's mine
(9:05 PM) Jer: umm.... waiting here for you
(9:05 PM) Jer: traitor
(9:05 PM) Dustin: lol
(9:25 PM) Dustin: Is Vikki there?
(9:27 PM) Jer: she wandered away
Jer nom-nom-noms
(9:28 PM) Dustin: >:o
Jer laughs so hard... tears... stream... down...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cold Objectivism

Jer: BLEH!!!!

Limey: It's copld

Jer: don't i know it!!
>>Jer has hot cocoa, kefir, cheese and reese's

Limey: nice

>>Jer also has cheese-filled croissants

Limey: good good you have snacks to make you

Jer: how ben has kept me schmitten for so long, i'll never know
and i actually woke up early enough to run errands... i was so proud
but i didn't wake up early enough to make brekkers, so, kinda miffed
so i bought pastries instead

Limey: I know how that goes

Jer: uh oh... i'm on edie's 'capable' list
Jer: "be compassionate enough to not ask questions"

Limey: yeah but there is a difference between not having to ask and feeling one has to explain

Jer: you'd've had to've read teh book to understand that quote
which you and ashley should anyway
it's an amazing book
the Fountainhead
or maybe it was Atlas Shrugged
prolly the latter, but you can't read Atlas Shrugged without reading the Fountainhead
it means a quiet acceptance... not not asking, but harboring questions

Limey: sounds like a good read

Jer: it is awesomeness.. objectivism is a necessary perspective
it makes things that don't quite fit make so much sense
it changed my life
"there are no lousy jobs, just lousy men who don't care to do them"

Limey: A job is a job, you're getting a payment for something you agreed to do, if you agreed to it you can't really bitch

Jer: nah, it's more about doing what needs to be done regardless
if you need to have something, do what you need to do to have it
if you're unwilling to 'stoop' to do something that is pertinent, then you suck
she is one of those lousy men... she doesn't work because she's not willing to do something 'lame' like actually work in order to make her life what she wants it to be

Limey: I don't understand people who think a job is beneath them even when they are desperate.. like sheenah

Jer: yup

Limey: if your desperate a job is a job what does it matter, it's just a stepping stone until you can find something better to improve things

Jer: it's 'beneath them' because they're unwilling to have integrity
in reality, they are beneath the job

Limey: in sheenah's case that's very true, she can't hold a job because she can't do what's needed or be responsible enough to keep it, they think they should fit to suit her life

Jer: hahah! like she has a 'life'
lousy men are the ones who think they should get paid for existing

Limey: hehe
her life consists of wasting her time, bitching that she needs a job but not looking for one, drinking and complaining that life's not fair because her boyfriend got arrested for a dui whilst on probation

Jer: i my case, though, i'd be willing to take a lesser job, but there are reasons why it would be too frustrating for me to do so : i need to have 2 things done that a poorly-paying job would not allow me to get done
sounds familiar
but, i wouldn't be beyond taking a 'crappy' well-paying job
cuz it will afford me what i need to have happen

Limey: yup sometimes circumstances mean you have to look for something better but if it comes down to it, an income is an income

Jer: i've thought about maybe doing something like cigarette sales.. make like $100 in tips a day
plus like $8/hour
Limey: That's decent money

Jer: i think i'm gonna talk to joseppe and bryan xion to see what jobs they've got... it'll be crappy, but it'll at least get me out there
then i can wait on a better job

Limey: :P

Jer: 80xxxxxx
apparently no one on this last weekend is capable of reloading a damn VRU

Limey: eurgh of course the vru drops daily at 16:30
that's when it cycles everything for wilcal
but whoever they spoke with needs slapped

Jer: indeed

Limey: at that time most likely someone 2nd shift
shame we can't see who looked at it

Jer: someone took it out of monitor status, but apparently that was someone today

Limey: yeah

Jer: oh .... hmmm... KSU's been worked on too... that could cause some problems

Limey: I'd say so

Jer: so, if Edie thinks i'm capable... i probably won't be fired if they start trying to deplete our department more

Limey: :-D

Jer: i have a weird feeling that something unpredictable is going to happen
so, i'm predicting that something unpredictable will happen

Limey: haha always expect the unexpected

Jer: the spanish inquisition

Friday, January 21, 2011

losing what's lost

"I needed to be distracted from my own brutal self-talk because i knew i couldn't allow myself to listen to it. i'm fragile and sensitive, but consciously knowing this does little to shelter me from harm... i needed to keep my mind and my hands busy with whatever diversion i could root out.. my sanctuary. My happy place. within its boundaries i could completely forget about the crippling storm brewing all around me."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

thus spake the demiurge

Friday, January 7, 2011
Jer: jews have proper buscuits
like their sheets
Limey: hehe
Hmm, bacon and chocolate, you know someone has to make a bacon chocolate ice cream
Jer: you know what we should do if snow turns so deep... start piling proper and building tunnels for sidewalks and streets
Limey: That sounds good
Jer: you could make home icecream with bacon+choco
sounds reasonable
Limey: hehe
anyways I'm out
Jer: RUN AWAY!!!
there will be bacon upon the morrow!!!
Limey: SWEET
Jer: bleh
Limey: tis a sucky day
Jer: i pondered not getting out of bed
Jer: they don't get a choice
Limey: That's the main thing, so long as those that matter could have it explained to and would realize it's not about "devil worship" are the ones to keep
Jer: and they can watch a video
Limey: hahaha
Jer: hahah, the funny thing about 'devil worship' is the entire premise of satanism and gnosticism is that the 'maker of heaven and earth' is Ialdoboath... the demiurge... the darkness... and their belief is that Ialdoboath is what the christians really worship... satanism mocks it and gnosticism calls the old-testament god the devil
Jer: so, to other christian traditions, the Pauline christians are really the 'devil worshipers'
Limey: haha
Jer: and gnostics worship the source, the light
which, consequently, they believe to be hermaphroditic - both and neither
Limey: I always used to confound neil with the argument of.. well if everything created by god is a part of him, wouldn't that mean when he created the angels lucifer and satan and they fell from grace to become evil.. would that not mean god is in part like humans evil
but he used to get frustrated with if we didn't evolve why do we have tailbones
Jer: the gnostic perspective is that the darkness, created by sophia as an abomination (she created alone, without the consort of the light/supreme god-head), wondered at the light and every time it tried to reach out to it, it could never touch it.... it turned inward and made the world, trapped rays of light (angels/archons) and made them into bodies/spheres, and trapped other souls and made them into living creatures and man
sophia is the 'veil'
so, we are excised pieces of light trapped in shells of darkness
which, in a purely scientific sense, is entirely true
all matter is energy...
Limey: yup, that would make sense to me
Jer: just not very bright-glowing energy
Limey: and energy itself cannot be destroyed or created, just changed from one form to another
Jer: it has a greater degree of finite than other forms of energy.. it's not free
it's trapped
but, it's purest form is radiant energy
and somehow we've always been conscious of that on some level
it's why we don't think we belong here
the soul or mind or whatever it is, is a product of electrical current, of chemically-induced spurts of energy... it know what it is
they had this shit figured out 10K years ago... it just got all mucked up
Limey: yes well, unfortunately some greedy ass humans came along
Jer: nah... they just took the knowledge they had in front of them and rehashed it like i just did in a way that made sense to them and others based on their status quo... and when someone picked up that assessment years later, they did the same thing... on and on and on until it pretty much just became innocuous words

how the wee place looked... it's all coming down now