Jer: i'm converting row 3 to kefir
Limey: :D
I got john barr on it today
I figured it would help him, he's managed to lose 35lb already
why am I so hyper
Jer: it's a restless day
there are more cars out on the road than ive seen in a long time... i had to cross at xwalks just to get across streets today
Limey: True, I've not been able to sit still... I keep standing just to stop myself fidgiting.
yup, it's warm more people willing to venture out
Jer: steph and bob are comparing kefir flavors and avaialbility
Jer: row 3 is converting to kefir... better jump on the bandwagon
McGlame!!!: if they only sell it at giant, I won't be joining...
i have beef with giant
Jer: they sell it at wegman's too
i haven't looked at weis,,, cuz weis puts velveeta in the fridge section....
McGlame!!!: eh... i never get to wegmans...
weis is my official grocer
Jer: i'm soo sorry
Jer: looks like there will be dells to reboot tonight
McGlame!!!: ah, those dells are just mindin' their own business
Jer: not working!!!!
McGlame!!!: lol
jaw: no, cuz it doesn't
Jer: shhhh...!!!!
Jer: they don't have to know it's not extra
Jer: there's a storming the castle princess bride board game...
jaw: storming the princess' "Castle"?
Jer: wow... have you really never seen princess bride
JOHN STONE!!!!!: Another thing that doesn't make sense, that new RS issue for the sigcaps, how in the world are we supposed to know if it is related to the time issue?
Jer: touch your nose
JOHN STONE!!!!!: ha ha.
Jer: that's our fix-all now...
just have the store personnel touch their nose
JOHN STONE!!!!!: omg. One minute this girl calls me 'she', and then later 'he'.
Jer: umm... take no offense... just hold your head high... you're a virgo
JOHN STONE!!!!!: ha ha ha.
Jer: you just wish you could be irish
Limey: haha nah
Limey: I love the Irish, and the Scotts, but I'm happy being English
Jer: well, you're not a very good englishman
Limey: correction, I'm not meant to like them wanting independence.. liking them is a different matter
Jer: liking them under your boot
Limey: ;p
McGlame!!!: have you noticed this phenomenon where one can agree with bob baker, and something akin to an argument still ensues?
like just now, jont and bob were saying the exact same thing; that wolves can control wild boar, yet it was like they were arguing about it
who in row 3 is haaaatin' life?
Jer: phenomenon
that's what we call a discussion
McGlame!!!: well, it seems to be a bit more heated than a regular discussion
Jer: it's the hate of stupid.... they're fighting the invisible ass-hats that make dumb decisions
McGlame!!!: lol