Jer: BLEH!!!!
Limey: It's copld
Jer: don't i know it!!
>>Jer has hot cocoa, kefir, cheese and reese's
Limey: nice
>>Jer also has cheese-filled croissants
Limey: good good you have snacks to make you
Jer: how ben has kept me schmitten for so long, i'll never know
and i actually woke up early enough to run errands... i was so proud
but i didn't wake up early enough to make brekkers, so, kinda miffed
so i bought pastries instead
Limey: I know how that goes
Jer: uh oh... i'm on edie's 'capable' list
Jer: "be compassionate enough to not ask questions"
Limey: yeah but there is a difference between not having to ask and feeling one has to explain
Jer: you'd've had to've read teh book to understand that quote
which you and ashley should anyway
it's an amazing book
the Fountainhead
or maybe it was Atlas Shrugged
prolly the latter, but you can't read Atlas Shrugged without reading the Fountainhead
it means a quiet acceptance... not not asking, but harboring questions
Limey: sounds like a good read
Jer: it is awesomeness.. objectivism is a necessary perspective
it makes things that don't quite fit make so much sense
it changed my life
"there are no lousy jobs, just lousy men who don't care to do them"
Limey: A job is a job, you're getting a payment for something you agreed to do, if you agreed to it you can't really bitch
Jer: nah, it's more about doing what needs to be done regardless
if you need to have something, do what you need to do to have it
if you're unwilling to 'stoop' to do something that is pertinent, then you suck
she is one of those lousy men... she doesn't work because she's not willing to do something 'lame' like actually work in order to make her life what she wants it to be
Limey: I don't understand people who think a job is beneath them even when they are desperate.. like sheenah
Jer: yup
Limey: if your desperate a job is a job what does it matter, it's just a stepping stone until you can find something better to improve things
Jer: it's 'beneath them' because they're unwilling to have integrity
in reality, they are beneath the job
Limey: in sheenah's case that's very true, she can't hold a job because she can't do what's needed or be responsible enough to keep it, they think they should fit to suit her life
Jer: hahah! like she has a 'life'
lousy men are the ones who think they should get paid for existing
Limey: hehe
her life consists of wasting her time, bitching that she needs a job but not looking for one, drinking and complaining that life's not fair because her boyfriend got arrested for a dui whilst on probation
Jer: i my case, though, i'd be willing to take a lesser job, but there are reasons why it would be too frustrating for me to do so : i need to have 2 things done that a poorly-paying job would not allow me to get done
sounds familiar
but, i wouldn't be beyond taking a 'crappy' well-paying job
cuz it will afford me what i need to have happen
Limey: yup sometimes circumstances mean you have to look for something better but if it comes down to it, an income is an income
Jer: i've thought about maybe doing something like cigarette sales.. make like $100 in tips a day
plus like $8/hour
Limey: That's decent money
Jer: i think i'm gonna talk to joseppe and bryan xion to see what jobs they've got... it'll be crappy, but it'll at least get me out there
then i can wait on a better job
Limey: :P
Jer: 80xxxxxx
apparently no one on this last weekend is capable of reloading a damn VRU
Limey: eurgh of course the vru drops daily at 16:30
that's when it cycles everything for wilcal
but whoever they spoke with needs slapped
Jer: indeed
Limey: at that time most likely someone 2nd shift
shame we can't see who looked at it
Jer: someone took it out of monitor status, but apparently that was someone today
Limey: yeah
Jer: oh .... hmmm... KSU's been worked on too... that could cause some problems
Limey: I'd say so
Jer: so, if Edie thinks i'm capable... i probably won't be fired if they start trying to deplete our department more
Limey: :-D
Jer: i have a weird feeling that something unpredictable is going to happen
so, i'm predicting that something unpredictable will happen
Limey: haha always expect the unexpected
Jer: the spanish inquisition