the three of us unburied our cars... i make my way home after we hit up the only open restaurant (the dive diner along the way) and i find that the long "drive way" road between roads that my residence is on has not been plowed... our management company didn't send anyone like they're supposed to. the other houses along the opposite end of the back-road plowed up to their drives which made it a bit easier to start hand-shoveling more than 300 linear feet of snow that came up to my mid-thigh, wide enough to fit our cars. all but one of my neighbors' vehicles were marooned... i dug out one other and my male neighbor helped me hand-plow enough to reach one of the other neighbors' cars... the gal under me and her young daughter haven't emerged and are still buried in snow. i'll be doing their half tomorrow.
i was pissed - i had to drive around the area for 15 minutes to find a place to park so i could even get to my house - but i've been so restless it was kinda nice to have something to do just to do something.
house party tomorrow? we'll see