Monday, September 29, 2008

Sophia and the Demiurge, Part I

I realize that for the family pool of theological and philosophical discussion, I suppose I should bring to light the content of one or two books that take quite a bit of effort to read that I will not burden you with. But, here I hope to give an overview of the contents in the next few postings to give an idea and further background into the topic of Gnosticism, Coptic literature, and their related mythologies and philosophies. The particular source I'll reference first is The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics written by a french historian/scholar in the earlier half of the 20th century, who published his work in the 50's to describe, in no concise manner (not to mention having been translated from french into 1950's british english), the histories of the sects behind the literature and pulling apart the technical aspects of what is referred to as the Nag Hammadi Library. The unfortunate part of the publication is that only one complete chapter of the library was translated in the book in addition to being dissected, and that is the Gospel of Thomas.

This first blog gives an over-simplified generalization of the mythologies described, which existed to different extents within different sects of Hebrew and Christian faiths as well as the obscured Hellenist- and Stoic-influenced sects which include the cult at Qumran responsible for the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The first basic premise is that there is a conscious light and a conscious dark and an ether that divides them. The dark is conscious of the light and becomes jealous of it, it tries to surge up into the light but every step it takes causes the light to go away (it's not explained that the darkness overcomes the light, but describes it as the light does not shine through the darkness but it's might is not diminished by it). The dark then becomes frustrated that it cannot be illuminated, cannot become like the light or touch it.

The next premise personifies the light, the dark, and the ether. There are different versions of the mythology depending upon the sect, but this is a generalization:

The light is known as the supreme Godhead, and as yet the darkness does not exist. An important aspect of the godhead is that it is hermaphroditic. Ether is known as Sophia, and this element is in all forms female. It gets a bit variant, because, though the Godhead is a hermaphrodite, it seems to have a heavy lean on the masculine side. The Godhead creates at will and all the creations are "of light". The Sophia decides she shall create by herself, without the "input" (yes, take it as a euphemism) of the Godhead. This creates the darkness, Elohim (as well as other names, depending on the sect), and he is ignorant of the Godhead. Elohim creates the physical world, traps the souls of angels into physical bodies, and proclaims himself god of all things. At his proclamation, Sophia bellows out to him, making him aware of his folly. In one version he simply is scrutinizing his creation and whilst ascending great heights discovers the light of perfection of the Godhead.

This all boils down to several sects of beliefs that revolve around the creator of the world itself in the physical realm as being an unenlightened act by what modern day would call the devil. In this light, the followers would then dismiss some of the Old Testament on the belief that the 'God' who was being referred to was darkness and not the Godhead.

random gnostic reference from wiki : Manichean

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Muck and Drudgery to Fuzzy Cuddles

well, the last couple of weeks have been wrought with stress, in some cases in expected ways, in others not so anticipated. it didn't help that everyone i had to deal with was experiencing a similar rut lasting well over a week, and slowly, oh, so slowly picking up over the last 9 days. ::Long friggin' Sigh ::

haven't gotten the test results back yet... in this part of the world, it's far enough out of any sort of main stream that stuff has to be sent out of town (into city) to get processed... so i might be looking at as long as 4 weeks -- half way done today.

disgruntlement subsiding, things are generally leveling off into a normal work drudgery and long late evenings with my favorite fuzzy little troublemaker... who's currently content in playing with my pj draw-strings... and can do so for hours. since putting trouble 2 down, we've been letting Mr. Trouble himself sleep in the bed and he makes a point to get as much half-conscious attention as possible, then usually sets up his perch on top of me... no matter how, he manages to.

currently really looking forward to coming out west... i actually can't wait... please give me western highways... at least your speed limits aren't maxed out at 55 mph... and all the roads 2-lane with absolutely no legal passing zones... and lots of old people... and hicks who will jump out of their car and try to teach you a lesson about "proper" driving... heh...

thinking of jaunting up to vegas for a couple hours for real greek food and picking up my photo albums... haven't worked out the details yet, but since we'll be up that way...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


i've settled into a disgruntlement of late... it appears my ambitions and personal freedom are limited by the inhibitions of another who refuses to take the benefits that go with minor sacrifices...
sooooo... looks like i get to all but completely alter my course and head in a determined direction once again. but now i'm rather content to just let things come and go of their own volition and float until the universe tells me to start jumping...

Friday, September 12, 2008


so, i can party hardy now... everything that i could possibly be responsible for in order to get into the military is now complete.... now it's just waiting on everyone else
so it could be up to 3 more months, but that gives me some travel time

lots of love

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


one more arduous day to go... then what's left suspended can all fall out...
of course it'll take a week to do so, but then i know if my future career will be made or broken
the moment of truth... and then the suspense will be over
so, party on thursday... then possibly a follow-up party next week

Monday, September 8, 2008

trouble gone : death or dialasis

Jeremy had to put one of the cats down due to blockage and inflamed kidneys; likely having to do with kidney stones. If not, then the poor troublemaker would've been on dialasis and medication the rest of his life...
His brother misses him terribly, and is very confused, but persevering.
I have pics on the bottom of all my blog page for your enjoyment

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Michaux - Misho - Mushy

well, whilst Gustov pummeled the eastern seaboard, we decided to take a backpacking expedition along the Appalachian Trail where it passes through Michaux State Forest in southern PA, just outside of Gettysburg. Albeit a comparatively short hike, i'm quite impressed with myself for enduring 6 or 7 miles of hiking in ceaseless rain, sleeping the night at one of the Appalachian Trails many shelters along the route, and hiking 7 miles back out (for, yes, my endurance sucks). The rain allowed us a relative aloneness until we reached the shelter; a nice break from the slow but busy psuedo-urbia of two lane highways with no passing zones and low speed limits full of naught but old people and cumbersome drivers. Having prepared our upper halves well for the rain, we were a bit unprepared for how much cotton cargo pants soak up water, and subsequently our otherwise water-proof hiking boots, which held all the water in quite nicely.

The stars beat out the rain some time around sunset, and there was no dry wood for a fire, but we did get our own shelter, and it was one of the most uncomfortable nights of sleep i've ever had; the pants and socks were still damp when we got dressed again, despite having been hung up overnight and even dangled over the gas stove, but were nicely dry after 2 hours of sunfilled hicking -- so a dry ride home we had, at the very least.

We didn't take the cameras with us... it's just green, green, and more green... like some fairy puked on everything. But the leaves, I hear, are set to be changing soon, so we'll have another trip up north-ish and will likely be taking lots of pictures.